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Vegetative and productive aspects of organically grown coffee cultivars under shaded and unshaded systems




Although Coffea arabica species has its origin in the African understories, there is great resistance on the part of the Brazilian producers for growing this species under agroforestry systems as they fear that shading reduces production. This study aimed at evaluating some vegetative traits and the productivity of organically grown coffee (Coffea arabica L.) cultivars under shaded and unshaded systems. Twelve treatments consisting of two cultivation systems (shaded and unshaded) and six coffee cultivars were arranged in randomized blocks with four replicates, in a split-plot scheme. Shading was provided by banana (Musa sp.) and coral bean plants (Erythrinaverna). Shading delayed fruit maturation. Late maturation cultivars, such as the Icatu and the Obatã, matured early in both cultivation systems, while medium and early maturation cultivars presented late maturation. Cultivation in the shaded system increased the leaf area and the number of lower branches, decreased the number of productive nodes per branch, and increased the distance between the nodes and the number of leaves present in the branches. Cultivation in the unshaded system presented greater number of plants with branch blight in relation to plants grown in the shade. The productivity of the cultivars was not different, at 30.0 processed bags per hectare in the shaded system, and 25.8 processed bags per hectare in the unshaded system. The most productive cultivars in the shaded system were the Tupi, the Obatã, and the Catuaí, while no differences between cultivars were obtained in the unshaded system.
机译:尽管阿拉比卡咖啡种起源于非洲底层,但巴西生产者对在农林系统下种植这种树种有很大的阻力,因为他们担心遮光会降低产量。这项研究旨在评估在有阴影和无阴影系统下有机种植咖啡品种(Coffea arabica L.)的一些营养性状和生产力。十二种处理方法由两个种植系统(有阴影和无阴影)和六个咖啡品种组成,以分块分配的方式随机排列,有四个重复。香蕉(Musa sp。)和珊瑚豆植物(Erythrinaverna)提供了遮荫。遮光会延迟水果成熟。伊卡图(Icatu)和欧巴提(Obatã)等晚熟品种在两种栽培系统中均早熟,而中早熟品种则表现出晚熟。遮荫系统中的耕作增加了叶片面积和下部分支的数量,减少了每个分支的生产性节点数量,并增加了节点之间的距离和分支中存在的叶片数量。与在阴凉处生长的植物相比,在未遮蔽的系统中进行耕作的植物呈现出更多的枯萎病。栽培品种的生产率没有差异,在阴影系统中为每公顷30.0个处理过的袋子,在非阴影系统中为每公顷25.8个处理过的袋子。遮荫系统中产量最高的品种是图皮,欧巴坦和卡图阿,而在不遮荫系统中,品种之间没有差异。



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